The Individual Report provides kaiako with the chance to drill down into an individual student's responses to gain insight into what they know and can do, and what they can't. Typically kaiako do not have time to review every student's individual report. Teachers use these reports to follow a line of inquiry for target students or students of interest.

The Individual Report provides in-depth information about each text though this can be gained from the Item Report also.

The Individual Report

This page contains a lot of specific information about the texts as well as the student responses. By spepnding time looking across the Report,the kaiako may find patternsthat require further investigation.

Ideas for using this report:

  • Look across the genre/texts and see if there are any in common where the ākonga does well or poorly - narrative or non-fiction? short or long texts
  • Look for patterns in the question types/colours - are there particular types the student finds difficult - why? 
  • Is there consolidation of questions correct below the scale score line or are answers more random - was this the right test for the ākonga?
  • Choose a text of strength or need - click on any question number to reveal the text and ākonga response

Show Question Feature

This feature is useful to gain an overview of question type and question difficulty of individual students (see Item Report for whole class). The question List can be separated into Text View.

Ideas for using this feature

  • Order the scale difficulty of the questions from easiest to hardest - are there questions at the student's expected level that they answered incorrectly - why? gap? next step teaching?
  • Look across the Question type column for each story - see any patterns? Click on the question number to see the question - follow ideas below (Individual Item)

Individual Item

Once kaiako have found a line of inquiry, clicking through to a text allows insight into how students think and the strategy they used, or didn't use, in their chosen answer. READ THE TEXT. 

NB: Teachers do not have time to read every text - choose a text of interest.

Ideas for using this report:

  • After reading the text, review the question type/difficulty level and decide what a student would need to know to answer the question.
  • Use the ARBs link to Comprehension Strategies (ELP) - what is the comprehension strategy that develops the related skills? Next steps teaching for group of students?
  • Use the Question Number Advance  to move through all of the questions for that story. Repeat the process and be alert for patterns in question types vs level of scale difficulty. This will help to pin the level of comprehension tha target student/students are working at