Our system saves response data each time a learner answers a question. This approach helps us avoid potential loss of learner data. We know that sometimes things do not go quite as smoothly as we’d hope for in an online world. We have listed some of the potential issues schools and learners might encounter with online testing.

  • Assessment session disruption: If one or more learners experiences a disruption the first thing we want to do is rule out any local technical and/or connection issues. If we know the issue is not local then we can escalate the investigation to our IT support team. Once the issue is resolved learners can use the same token to resume and complete their test.


  • Accidental log out: If a learner accidentally logs out of the test, they can use the same token to resume and complete their test.


  • Token expired: A token expired message will appear if a token is for a different term. Tokens are set to operate in one term only. Create a new assessment or add the learner/s to an assessment running for the current term.


  • Invalid CAT rule set on access token: If you get this error message it means the year level of the learner is outside of the year level audience of the test. 


  • Special circumstances: If something happens that you feel has affected class or individual learner results, or their online experience, please contact us at [email protected]