The following information outlines how to interpret school and group reports for the Taku Reo survey.
Taku Reo includes the statement: “My teachers give me praise in te reo Māori.”
Students responding to this statement would choose from one of the following options:
- Never
- Sometimes
- Often
- Always.
The Taku Reo school report might summarise the responses of students at your school to the statement "My teachers give me praise in te reo Māori" like this:
This means that of the students at your school who used Taku Reo:
- 36 of the students at your school reported never receiving praise in te reo Māori from their teachers
- 28 of the students at your school reported sometimes receiving praise in te reo Māori from their teachers
- 10 of the students at your school reported often receiving praise in te reo Māori from their teachers
- 4 of the students at your school reported always receiving praise in te reo Māori from their teachers
- 2 did not respond to the statement "My teachers give me praise in te reo Māori"
For any statement in Taku Reo like "My teachers give me praise in te reo Māori", the further to the right the horizontal bar sits, the greater the number of students in your school agree or strongly agree with the statement.
In Taku Reo, all of the statements like "My teachers give me praise in te reo Māori" are indicators of student experience of te reo Māori in their school community. Having most of the horizontal bars located to the left of the graph indicates relatively low levels of student experience of te reo Māori in their school community. Having most of the horizontal bars located to the right of the graph indicates relatively high levels of student experience of te reo Māori in their school community.
The survey group report can be understood similarly.
If you have any questions about your Taku Reo reports please contact Assessment Services - 04)8021630