Admins can archive both learners and users in Assist.

A. Archive learners

Step 1: 
Click on users

Step 2: Click learner tab (top of the left of screen, under your school's name)

Step 3: Enter the details in the dialogue box to search the learner

Step 4: Select the learner you wish to archive by clicking in the select box.

Step 5: Under status, change to active

Step 6: Click on archive button on the right hand side of the screen 

Your learner will be archived.

B. Archive users

Step 1: 
Click on users

Step 2: Enter the details in the dialogue box to search the user

Step 3: Select the user you wish to archive by clicking on the select box

Step 4: Under status, change to active

Step 5: Click on archive button on the right hand side of the screen 

Your user  will be archived.